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Values Come First

Our reputation is spoken through our actions by treating our Partners and Stakeholders with Humility, Respect, and Integrity

Building Bridges
That Last

Practicing Empathy

Change goes beyond good technology. True adoption is driven by Empathy and Authenticity, which in turn, drives us

Building Trust and Relevance

We are a platform for mutual collaboration and partnership by being there each step of the way in establishing Trust and Relevance between Founders and Stakeholders

“Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success.”

- Henry Ford

“If I have seen further than others, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants.”

– Isaac Newton

“Do the difficult things while they are easy and do the great things while they are small. A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.”

-Lao Tzu

Our Value In Words

Image of company's founder
"Through the years, we have been through many ups and downs like many startups and MX has been resolute in his commitment, friendship, and support. MX has an intuition in reaching out, when you might not expect it, to lend a hand..."
"Through the years, we have been through many ups and downs like many startups and MX has been resolute in his commitment, friendship, and support..."
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Anthony Tan
Co-founder, Grab
Image of company's founder
"MX has been one of our most meaningful and enjoyable thought partners. Aspiration has benefited from his insights into global trends for socially conscious goods and services and how we could scale outside the US through partnerships..."
"MX has been one of our most meaningful and enjoyable thought partners. Aspiration has benefited from his insights into global trends and partnerships..."
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Joe Sanberg
Co-founder, Aspiration Partners
Image of company's founder
“It has been a great honour to have K3 Ventures as our angel investor. MX and ZX are really like our comrades-in-arms. The strong and solid local resources from K3 Ventures enabled our accelerated growth in SEA…”
“It has been a great honour to have K3 Ventures as our angel investor. MX and ZX are really like our comrades-in-arms…”
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Jianfeng Lu & Jennifer Zhang
Image of company's founder
"We feel blessed to have MX at our board of directors and he has already proven to be always one phone call away and ready to give essential advice and helps us to navigate through our entrepreneurial journey ..."
"We feel blessed to have MX at our board of directors and he has already proven to be always one phone call away and ready to give essential advice ..."
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Timo Recker
Co-founder, Next Gen Foods
Image of company's founder
"K3 Ventures has been an incredible value-adding investor. It has been a joy to partner with the K3 team as they are thoughtful, empathetic, collaborative, and they run hard alongside founders."
"It has been a joy to partner with the K3 team as they are thoughtful, empathetic, collaborative, and they run hard alongside founders."
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Jayant Paleti
Co-founder, Darwinbox
Image of company's founder
"K3 has been a meaningful thought partner in formulating our capital formation strategy, playing a key role in actively introducing quality institutional investors to us in what culminated in an oversubscribed Series B."
"K3 played a key role in formulating our capital formation strategy and introducing quality investors to us in what culminated in an oversubscribed Series B."
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Adrien Desbaillets
Co-founder, FreshCreation Holdings
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Our Value In Words

Image of company's founder
"Through the years, we have been through many ups and downs like many startups and MX has been resolute in his commitment, friendship, and support. MX has an intuition in reaching out, when you might not expect it, to lend a hand..."
"Through the years, we have been through many ups and downs like many startups and MX has been resolute in his commitment, friendship, and support..."
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Anthony Tan
Co-founder, Grab
Image of company's founder
"MX has been one of our most meaningful and enjoyable thought partners. Aspiration has benefited from his insights into global trends for socially conscious goods and services and how we could scale outside the US through partnerships..."
"MX has been one of our most meaningful and enjoyable thought partners. Aspiration has benefited from his insights into global trends and partnerships..."
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Joe Sanberg
Co-founder, Aspiration Partners
Image of company's founder
“It has been a great honour to have K3 Ventures as our angel investor. MX and ZX are really like our comrades-in-arms. The strong and solid local resources from K3 Ventures enabled our accelerated growth in SEA…”
“It has been a great honour to have K3 Ventures as our angel investor. MX and ZX are really like our comrades-in-arms…”
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Jianfeng Lu & Jennifer Zhang
Image of company's founder
"We feel blessed to have MX at our board of directors and he has already proven to be always one phone call away and ready to give essential advice and helps us to navigate through our entrepreneurial journey ..."
"We feel blessed to have MX at our board of directors and he has already proven to be always one phone call away and ready to give essential advice ..."
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Timo Recker
Co-founder, Next Gen Foods
Image of company's founder
"K3 Ventures has been an incredible value-adding investor. It has been a joy to partner with the K3 team as they are thoughtful, empathetic, collaborative, and they run hard alongside founders."
"It has been a joy to partner with the K3 team as they are thoughtful, empathetic, collaborative, and they run hard alongside founders."
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Jayant Paleti
Co-founder, Darwinbox
Image of company's founder
"K3 has been a meaningful thought partner in formulating our capital formation strategy, playing a key role in actively introducing quality institutional investors to us in what culminated in an oversubscribed Series B."
"K3 played a key role in formulating our capital formation strategy and introducing quality investors to us in what culminated in an oversubscribed Series B."
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Adrien Desbaillets
Co-founder, FreshCreation Holdings
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